
Solution Support

We apologise for any inconvenience that you may be currently experiencing. If your Internet/Telephone service is working, but you are experiencing difficulties with your service please fill in the form provided below or contact us on 1300 66 33 20.

Solution Support is available 7am-7pm AEST Monday to Saturday (the coverage window). Outside normal business hours (and in times of peak call volume) please leave a voicemail and a Pivit Customer Service Representative will return your call as soon as possible inside the coverage window.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Telephone Number (required)

    Your account number


    What seems to be the problem?

    File upload (e.g pictures to explain problem)


    Contact Information

    Mailing Address:
    PO Box 2245
    Logan City DC, Qld, 4114

    Street Address:
    1/11 Booran Drive
    Underwood, 4114, QLD

    • 1300 66 33 20
    • +61 7 3387 3499

    Please note:  Solution support out of business hours is provided for customers who are experiencing technical difficulties with their internet service.

    All of the following areas will be handled during business hours Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm.

    • new account enquiries
    • customer account changes
    • plan changes
    • billing enquiries

    Support Quick Links

    Do you need some technical assistance with your internet connection?

    Log a Fault(24/7 support)

    If your internet connection is not working at all click below to log a fault

    Log a Fault

    Standard Response Times

    Response Time
    • 2-hour response (phone) within the coverage window
    • 4 hours (on site, weekdays only) if required within the coverage window
    • *please note these response times may increase if an unusually large outage affects our network the causes abnormally high call volumes.

    Standard coverage window
    • 9am-5pm Business Days (Australian Eastern Standard Times).
    • Outside business hours we have 24-hour on-call customer support who will provide assistance when your service is completely not working. Please leave a voice message and they will return your call.

    Service Restoration Target 
    • Next Business Day
    • Please note: Our team will respond within the timeframes listed when a fault is logged. Whilst our team will endeavour to rectify your fault as soon as possible, our service restoration target is next business day as there may be other factors involved in restoring your service that cannot be completed outside of business hours.